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Welcome to the Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre

Do you want to learn more about common spine problems and how spinal decompression treatments may help you?

Here at Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre (CSDC) in Calgary, we understand spinal pain.

  • If you’ve tried numerous forms of treatment for your chronic back or neck pain without success, including physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, repeated spinal injections or epidurals, then CSDC may be right for you. If you’re on a waiting list for spinal surgery and want another opinion for your spine, you may be a candidate for pain relief and success with spinal decompression.
  • If you are looking for another option to surgery, want to stop or decrease the amount of pain medication you are taking, would like to get back to your daily activities you aren’t able to do because of your back or neck condition, this treatment may be for you.  Begin with your consultation here.

    Contact us today for a consultation. 

Call us  today.  Urgent appointments available at 403-276-2732,

or simply e-mail us at:

Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre

At Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre (CSDC) we understand painful spinal problems. DRX9000™ offers a valuable, potentially life-changing therapy for people with significant back or neck problems. Contact us now and find out how we can help you! 403-276-CSDC (2732)

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DRX 9000

The DRX9000 is a unique and effective non-surgical decompression treatment protocol designed to relieve the pain and symptoms of spinal disc bulges, herniation, protrusions and degenerative discs. Review this website for more information. Get the answers that you need about how the DRX9000 treatment may be right for you.

Client Focused Care

Whether it’s your back or neck pain, degenerative and bulging discs, or a pinched nerve, Relief may be in sight for you with specialized treatments offered here at CSDC.

Nearly Thirty Years of Clinical Experience

At CSDC, it’s our unique approach to you as a client plus the specific spine education and coaching along the road to your recovery that makes us right for you.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

At CSDC, you decide what care feels right for you. Remember, our goal is to help you with effective non-surgical treatments that work for you.